Terms of Reference (TOR) for Consultancy: Development of a Refugee Education Programme Model 


The Asfari Foundation is seeking a qualified consultant or consultancy to lead the development of a comprehensive refugee education programme model. This assignment will involve a group of partner organisations (partners), conducting in-depth research, developing an innovative education model, and preparing for fundraising and marketing efforts. The goal is to investigate the partners’ on-going education programmes for Syrian refugees. The aim is to document a scalable and sustainable education model that can provide alternative solutions for the challenges facing Syrian refugees to access quality and responsive education services which could be scaled to other geographies of communities. We anticipate that the model will attract further investment from donors and investors. 


Syrian refugee education has presented significant challenges in host countries such as Lebanon and Jordan. Despite substantial investment and effort by various donors and organisations, many refugee children and youth remain without access to quality education. The Asfari Foundation, along with its partners, has explored alternative models to address these challenges. This project aims to formalise these efforts into a coherent and effective education model. The Foundation and partners have conducted a workshops and discussions where common challenges have been identified and opportunities for synergy among stakeholders were explored, laying the groundwork for future collaborative efforts to enhance refugee education outcomes.  

A few key challenges were presented and discussed obstructing the learning journey of refugees: 

  1. Access to Education 

  2. Limited Enrolment: Many refugee youths are not enrolled in any form of formal education due to systemic barriers and lack of capacity within existing educational institutions. 

  3. Geographical Barriers: Refugee populations are often located in areas with limited access to schools and educational facilities. 

  4. Quality of Education 

  5. Inconsistent Quality: The quality of education provided to refugee youths varies significantly, with many programs lacking sufficient resources and trained educators. 

  6. Teacher Training: There is a shortage of adequately trained teachers capable of addressing the specific needs of refugee children and youths. 

  7. Curriculum and Learning Models 

  8. Lack of Tailored Curriculum: The existing curriculum often does not address the unique needs of refugee students, particularly in terms of language, cultural sensitivity, and psychosocial support. 

  9. Inflexible Education Models: Traditional education models do not cater to the diverse needs of refugee students, including those who have missed years of schooling. 

  10. Economic and Social Barriers 

  11. Economic Pressures: Many refugee families prioritize immediate economic survival over education, leading to high dropout rates. 

  12. Social Integration: Refugee youths often face challenges integrating into host communities, which can lead to social isolation and further hinder educational engagement. 

  13. Coordination and Collaboration 

  14. Fragmented Efforts: There is a lack of coordination among various organizations working in refugee education, leading to overlapping efforts and inefficiencies. 

  15. Resource Allocation: Inadequate funding and resources limit the scalability and sustainability of educational programs for refugees. 

  16. Building on discussions the Foundation and partners have agreed to launch this consultancy to support in realising our common goal. 


The consultancy will focus on the following objectives: 

  1. Research and Collaboration: Conduct comprehensive research to identify best practices and lessons learned in the existing programmes across the partners. The research will identify areas of complementarities between these programs capturing the various potential future collaboration in creating alternative pathways for refugees at all stages of education from primary to secondary, tertiary or other pathways matching students’ aspirations. 

  2. Model Development: building on the findings from the research stage, the consultant will develop a refugee education programme model that combines the strengths of all of the partners and meets the needs of refugee communities. The model will clarify different roles and responsibilities of each partner, and each one’s strengths and opportunities they bring to the model. In addition, the consultant needs to state the areas of improvement in the implemented to guarantee areas of complementarities and maximise the impact towards access to quality education opportunities for Syrian refugees.  The areas for improvement could include external ideas or organisations. 

  3. Fundraising and Marketing: based on the outcomes from the first two components, the consultant will prepare donors engagement strategy to attract donors and investors to support the implementation and scaling of the model or parts of it.  


Scope of Work 

The consultant/consultancy will be responsible for the following tasks: 

1. Research and Collaboration 

  • Conduct Literature Review: Analyse existing literature on refugee education programmes, highlighting and logging successful models and identifying gaps. 

  • Partner Engagement: Facilitate discussions and workshops with the partners to gather insights and data on current programming and outcomes. 

  • Data Collection: Design and implement data collection methods to gather quantitative and qualitative data from partners and stakeholders. 

  • Best Practices Identification: Identify best practices and innovative approaches in refugee education within the partners and globally. Identifying opportunities for collaboration and learning among partnering organizations to strengthen the program and contribute to addressing refugee education in a comprehensive and holistic approach.  

2. Model Development 

  • Framework Design: Develop a comprehensive framework for the refugee education programme model, integrating the research findings and partner inputs. 

  • Pilot Testing Plan: Design a phased approach for pilot testing the model in selected locations with partner organisations. 

  • Evaluation Metrics: Establish clear evaluation metrics and KPIs to assess the model's effectiveness and impact during pilot testing. 

  • Documentation: Document the model development process, including assumptions, methodologies, and decision-making processes. 

3. Fundraising and Marketing 

  • Funding Strategy: Develop a strategic plan to secure funding from donors, investors, and institutional partners. 

  • Engagement Plan: Create a marketing and communication plan to promote the model and engage potential supporters. 

  • Proposal Development: Assist the partnering organizations in the preparation of funding proposals and pitches tailored to different audiences. That includes donors and funders landscape analysis.  

  • Programme Showcase: Develop content for events or webinars to showcase the model and the partner efforts to potential funders. 



The consultant/consultancy will provide the following deliverables: 

  1. Research Report: A comprehensive report detailing research findings, best practices, and insights from the partners. 

  2. Education Model Framework: A documented framework for the refugee education programme model, including pilot testing plans and evaluation metrics. 

  3. Funding and Marketing Strategy: A detailed strategy for fundraising and marketing efforts, along with prepared proposals and communication materials. 


Timeline & Budget 

The assignment is expected to be completed within one year timeframe, with the following milestones: 

  • Month 1-3: Research and collaboration phase, including partner engagement and data collection. We anticipate this phase to take 20 full working days with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 

  • Month 4-5: Model development phase, including framework design and documentation. We anticipate this phase to take 8 full working days with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 

  • Month 6-12: Fundraising and marketing strategy development, including proposal preparation and partners showcase. We anticipate this phase to take 20 full working days with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 


Required Qualifications 

The ideal candidate(s) will have: 

  • Proven experience in conducting educational research and programme development. 

  • Strong project management and coordination skills. 

  • Expertise in refugee education, international development, or a related field. 

  • Demonstrated ability to facilitate collaboration among diverse stakeholders. 

  • Experience in fundraising and marketing for non-profit or educational initiatives. 


Application Process 

Interested consultants or consultancies are invited to submit the following: 

  • A detailed proposal outlining the approach and methodology for the assignment. 

  • A timeline and work plan for delivering the expected outcomes. 

  • Examples of similar work conducted previously. 

  • A financial proposal including the fixed fee and any additional costs. 

  • CV(s) of the consultant(s) involved, highlighting relevant experience and qualifications. 

  • A budget proposal, divided by each of the deliverables, including a breakdown of costs and fees. 

  • Submission Deadline: 30 October 2024 (EOD – UK time) 

  • Contact Information: applications@asfarifoundation.org.uk 

  • If you have any questions, please send them to us before 17th October and join our Q&A webinar on 22nd October 2024 at 11:00 am UK time. Passcode if prompted: 218189 


Terms of Reference for Consultancy: Scaling Framework for in House Solutions