Terms of Reference for Consultancy: Scaling Framework for in House Solutions 


The Asfari Foundation is a UK-based grant-making charity established by Ayman and Sawsan Asfari in 2006. The Foundation focuses its efforts within the Levant and UK, and through its grant-making programmes pursues its key objectives: 

  1. To enable the development of a resilient, effective, and accountable civil society infrastructure by developing the sustainability, productivity and visibility of high potential civil society organisations (CSOs). 

  2. To create non-traditional learning and economic opportunities by providing innovative support to young entrepreneurs to help them build sustainable enterprises and tackle social challenges.  

  3. To empower partners to transform their organisations, increase their impact, and strengthen learning and collaboration – locally, regionally, and globally – through community-led, localised knowledge-sharing. 

The Asfari Foundation is committed to innovating and implementing solutions that address issues in and for the Levant region. Some examples are mentioned in the annex below. After successfully testing and proving the effectiveness of our solutions over several years, we are now ready to scale and market these solutions. To facilitate this, we require a consultant to develop a robust framework or process that the Foundation can implement whenever scaling, marketing, or fundraising is needed for tested solutions. 


  1. The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive framework that includes: 

  2. A clear process for scaling and marketing tested solutions. 

  3. Mapping of potential donors, investors, and contributors. 

  4. Development of compelling case studies for existing solutions. 

  5. Mobilisation of resources for scaling efforts. 

Scope of Work 

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks, divided into three stages: 

Stage 1: Framework/Strategy Development (Months 1-3) 

  1. Conduct a thorough review of the Foundation's existing solutions and their proof of concept.  

  2. Collaborate with the Foundation to clarify the vision for scale and impact, focusing on whether to deepen or expand efforts.  

  3. Develop a Scalability Assessment Checklist 

  4. Develop a scalable framework/process that outlines steps for scaling and marketing solution looking at best-in-class practices and benchmark them. 

  5. Present the framework to the Foundation's management for feedback and approval. 


  1. Comprehensive framework/process document. 

  2. Presentation and feedback session with the Foundation's management. 


Stage 2: Mapping and Case Study Development (Months 4-6) 

  1. Identify and map potential donors, investors, and contributors who are aligned with the Foundation's mission and the specific solutions. 

  2. Adding to the framework blueprints/strategies for stakeholder engagement, communication, and impact measurement. 

  3. Develop detailed case studies for each existing solution, highlighting their impact, scalability, and potential benefits for stakeholders. 

  4. Prepare communication materials (brochures, presentations, etc.) to support fundraising and marketing efforts. 


  1. Detailed mapping report of potential donors/investors/contributors. 

  2. Engagement blueprints/strategies addition to framework. 

  3. Case studies for each solution. 

  4. Communication materials for fundraising and marketing. 

Stage 3: Resource Mobilisation (Months 7-12) 

  1. Develop a outline to understand contributors aspiration and potential collaboration avenues. 

  2. Implement the resource mobilisation strategy as per the developed framework. 

  3. Engage with identified donors, investors, and contributors through meetings, presentations, and follow-ups. 

  4. Assist the Foundation in securing commitments and funds for scaling the solutions. 

  5. Monitor and report on the progress of fundraising efforts. 


  1. Regular progress reports on resource mobilisation. 

  2. List of secured commitments and funds raised. 

  3. Final report summarising the outcomes and recommendations for future efforts. 

Geographical Focus: 

The Foundation aims to build this framework to mobilise supporters and contributors investing and funding works in the Levant. It is however desired to scale these programmes to the wider MENA region if there is appetite for donors working in the MENA inclusive of the Levant.  

Type of Supporters 

The Foundation is keen to explore supporters focusing on the Levant and wider MENA which include, institutional donors, family offices and foundations, private companies with CSR and ESG priorities in the region, and impact investors.  

Duration and Timeline 

The consultancy will be carried out over a period of 12 months, starting from the date of signing the contract. 


The consultant will report to the Foundation's Program Director and will provide bi-weekly progress updates. Additionally, there will be monthly review meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps. 

Fee and Payment Structure 

The assignment is expected to be completed within one year timeframe, with the following milestones: 

  • Month 1 – 3: Framework/Strategy Development phase. We anticipate this phase to take 10 full working days with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 

  • Month 4 – 6: Mapping and Case Study Development. We anticipate this phase to take 10 full working days with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 

  • Month 7 – 12: Resource Mobilisation. We anticipate this phase to take 20 full working days with possibility to expand the period beyond the 12 months mark with a budget of no more than £500 per day depending on expertise. 

In addition to the fixed fee, the consultant will receive a commission on any resources mobilised/funds raised as a result of their efforts. 

Qualifications and Experience 

  1. Proven experience in developing frameworks for scaling and marketing solutions. 

  2. Demonstrated success in fundraising and resource mobilisation. 

  3. Strong understanding of donor/investor mapping and engagement strategies. 

  4. Excellent communication and presentation skills. 

  5. Ability to work independently and deliver results within the stipulated timeline. 

Application Process 

Interested consultants should submit the following: 

  1. A detailed proposal outlining their approach to the assignment. 

  2. A timeline and work plan for delivering the expected outcomes. 

  3. Examples of similar work conducted previously. 

  4. A financial proposal including the fixed fee and any additional costs. 

  5. CV and references of involved consultants. 

  6. Submission Deadline: 16 October 2024 (EOD – UK time) 

  7. Contact Information: applications@asfarifoundation.org.uk 

  8. If you have any questions, please send them to us before 27th September and join our Q&A webinar on 1st October 2024 at 11:00 am UK time. Passcode if prompted: 742247 

Consultants are welcome to submit an application suggesting additional steps or a different order of the stages if they can offer a clear justification for their proposed approach. 

Current Solutions. 


Tabadol is a programme aimed at supporting rising social entrepreneurs and helping civil society organisations become more innovative and sustainable within the Levant region. This programme provides a platform for collaboration, exchange of ideas, and capacity-building opportunities. 

Tabadol typically involves financial support, mentorship, training sessions, networking events, and workshops tailored to the needs of emerging social entrepreneurs and civil society organisations. It aims to empower these entities by offering them tools, knowledge, and resources to enhance their innovative capacities, strengthen their organisational structures, and enable them to create more significant and sustainable social impact within their communities. 

Asfari Challenge for Social Innovation: 

The Asfari Challenge for Social Innovation is an initiative by the Asfari Foundation designed to support and nurture nascent ideas developed by social entrepreneurs. This challenge aims to identify and empower individuals or groups with innovative solutions to societal problems within the Levant region. It provides a platform for these emerging change-makers to receive support, mentorship, funding, and resources to develop and scale their ideas into sustainable initiatives that positively impact their communities. 

The challenge usually involves a competitive selection process where promising social entrepreneurs or innovators pitch their ideas. Those selected receive financial support, guidance, and mentorship to further develop their initiatives. The Asfari Foundation, through this challenge, seeks to foster innovation, sustainability, and positive social change by empowering and supporting these budding social entrepreneurs. 


Multaqa Al Asfari